Playing with Swift.

Finally Udacity lauched there iOS Development course with Swift. I started the course. Its been just few hours that I say the launch of the course on their website I have already completed 4 Units out 6 units from the course. I must say I have learnt alot.

I have planned to complete the course by tonight. Its a short course over all any way with just 3 weeks of duration suggested. I will highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn iOS development with Swift but be aware you should be familiar with any other programming language before starting this course and its good if you also know iOS development in Objective-C. Though the course covers some very core libraries but it doesn't cover all the basic UI elements, concept of delegate while using tables and a whole a lot of other stuff which you might need in every other iOS app you build professionaly.

Best of Luck taking the course. I hope you will also learn a lot. 
