Busy again .......

This year has been an exciting one for me. In just a period of 3.5 months of this year
1. Learn't some Python.
2. Finally started Android Application Devleopment
3. Left my first Job
4. Working on my own custom blog/site for Python tutorials on PyGame and other framworks.
5. Finally attending a online course " Interactive Python Development " on courser.org
6. Have started taking part in codechef.
7. And one more huge thing to be added in this list if everything goes right ....

I though this year that I will blog atleast once a week but time and work has kept me busy in a lot of things.
This entry is about my 4th point mentioned above. Now I am working on my own website where I will be putting tutorials on PyGame, wxPython and Django. I have a urge to spread the little knowledge that I have to whomever I can. So I though of making a website where I can make this thing possible.

Currently its hosted on a free domain but later I will buy a proper domain and will host this site there. I hope those who ever will visit that site will learn something new. 


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